Baixar Livro/módulo de inglês 10ª e 11ª classe em pdf
Livro de inglês 10ª classe e 11ª classe em pdf
Antes de baixar veja abaixo os princípais tópicos da disciplina de inglês 10ª classe.
This Study guidance aims to provide you with simple synopsis of the main objectives of the grade 10 English Subject Program.
The seven units readily available in this Guidance are the most important topics and thus the most important objectives to be reached by the end of grade 10 English Subject.
1. Agriculture and sustainable development
2. Tourisms, wildlife and environment
3. Means of transport and communication
4. Science, technology and innovation
5. Industry, commerce and Business
6. International trade and diplomacy
7. Human rights and gender
As your study will go by, the topics will invite you to discuss ideas, contrast, argue, ask and answer to questions, connect phrases, describe experiences and events, understand texts, understand facts, write simple texts, business letter or simple stories and so on.
Provided that you will have to study alone or with friends, we strongly advice you to have bilingual and monolingual dictionary so as to check up difficult key words.
Throughout the guidance you will acquire relevant competences for political, social and economic integration in the country to the fast and effective resolution of possible problems of the society.
Thus, look for partner to share with him/her positively these new challenges of Education.
Dear student, throughout the year you will have to cover the following:
- Accept
- Agree and disagree
- Arguing/ explaining
- Asking and answering
- Asking for information, reasons,
- Comparing and contrasting
- Confirming and denying
- Describing activities, events, places,
- Expressing opinions, preferences,
- Giving advice, instructions, reasons, suggestions,
- Identify
- Inquiring about some specific things,
- Inviting, accepting and refusing
- Leading a discussion,
- Making predictions
- Persuading,
- Prediction
- Reporting events,
- Supporting ideas,
- Writing warm notices.

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As primeiras aulas da 10ª classe inglês:
Agriculture Input Fairs - A Chance to "Live in Dignity"
Three of his six children died due to different illnesses. And three years ago he took on responsibility for the five grandchildren when his son, a bricklayer, left with his wife to take a jobin neighbouring Gaza province.
"The children were registered in school here," says Mandlate.
"I’m not sure when their father and mother will be back."
The government gives the means to farmers in need of assistance to produce food for the coming year and moreover food that they choose -- and at the same time stimulates the local economy by
(facilitating) buying from local companies."
The hope is that obliging farmers to support the local economy will strengthen it for years to come, enabling the immediate development gains of aid to be sustainable over the long term.
Hendricks, who has visited several of the agricultural input fairs, says they have become lively events, with many members of the community drawn to participate:
"One group of women in Gaza province, for example, borrowed money from the bank to hire a truck to follow the fairs held across the country so they could sell their groundnuts."
Mandlate says he used his vouchers to buy a new hoe and watering can "to replace the stolen
ones, and seeds for carrots.
I would have liked to have bought more seeds, but I didn’t have
enough vouchers. I am happy with the carrots; they are growing well. I have never grown them
Agriculture extension worker Moises Sitoe, who has advised farmers for the past 25 years, uses
demonstration plots to show farmers how to get the best out of their new seeds.
He says the April fair boosted production in the region:
"The fair has been a good incentive for crop diversification, because they (farmers) were able to afford good quality seeds of different varieties."
Many challenges remain, Niquisse concedes.
These include addressing the lack of irrigation systems to ease the effect of droughts, and ensuring that farmers have access to stable markets.
Yet, the fairs have given hope to some of the poorest farmers that their lives can improve.
Mandlate looks with pride at his new crop of carrots. "One day I hope to increase my sales so that
I can build a home for my grandchildren and myself, so we that we can live in dignity."
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